BU05 FMF is a Toyota Land Cruiser used by the traffic officers …

BU05 FMF is a Toyota Land Cruiser used by the traffic officers of the Highways Agency. The vehicle has a striking luminous yellow and black battenburg scheme on top of silver paint work. It carries a slim-line clear light bar on the roof, making it appear very much like a police vehicle from the front.

The rear windows of the vehicle carry the wording ‘TRAFFIC OFFICER’ to alert other motorists to its use.

In the rear of the 4×4, we can see some of the equipment it carries. This includes: cones, tape, fire blankets, emergency signage and water amongst other items.

With the rear door shut, we can see the dot matrix display in the rear window to give messages to other motorists. However, the spare wheel has had to be removed in order for it to be read clearly.

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