Author: ukemergency

WA05 FXU This Ford Ranger has been converted by John …

WA05 FXU This Ford Ranger has been converted by John Dennis Corporation to a rescue unit. The front view shows how it is fitted with a winch, blue lights on the grille, a clear led light bar, a floodlight and ladders.

The rear view of the same rescue unit shows the equipment lockers and high visibility markings. It is operated by Devon F&RS.

KX05 VAV is a Skoda Superb in silver. This diesel …

KX05 VAV is a Skoda Superb in silver. This diesel car is decked out in red and yellow battenburg markings and is used by senior fire officers. Notice how the blue lights are attached to the roof bars to avoid drilling holes and decreasing the car’s value when it comes to be sold.

YK51 BXZ is a Mercedes Ateco lorry used to carry …

YK51 BXZ is a Mercedes Ateco lorry used to carry specialist equipment by Humberside Fire and Rescue service. The arm on the back of the lorry is used to unload its cargo, such as the hazmat equipment module it is seen carrying here. Like the hose laying unit above, this vehicle also has an orange light in its light bar.

F222 WPR is a Ford Iveco HCB Angus water carrier …

F222 WPR is a Ford Iveco HCB Angus water carrier also used at the Humber oil refinery. This particular vehicle was deployed to the Buncefield Oil refinery fire in December 2005, driving from North Lincolnshire to Hertfordshire, a distance of over 180 miles, on blue lights.

YY52 UVR This is a Humberside Vauxhall Astra fire …

YY52 UVR This is a Humberside Vauxhall Astra fire car. It has a bar of rotating blue lights on the roof and alternately flashing main beam headlights. The fire officer driving also has the amber hazard lights flashing as the car is on a airport taxiway.

M304 LBB is an Iveco Ford Euro Fire 150E27 with GB …

M304 LBB is an Iveco Ford Euro Fire 150E27 with GB Fire bodywork used by the Tyne and Wear Metropolitan Fire Brigade. The turntable ladder has a reach of 30m and incorporates a rescue cage.

The rear view of the appliance, call sign Foxtrot Zero Three. The hand controls to operate the ladder can be seen on the rear of the vehicle duplicated on both sides.

L202 LCN is a Volvo FL6.14 emergency tender…

L202 LCN is a Volvo FL6.14 emergency tender, with the call sign Charlie Zero Four. The appliance features a large winch and a lack of fire markings on its front.

The rear view showing the high visibility striped doors which access the small office at the back of the vehicle.

P138 CNL is Tyne and Wear’s Operational Support …

P138 CNL is Tyne and Wear’s Operational Support Unit, built upon a 6X2 Volvo FL6.18 chassis.

The rear view of the OSU Victor Zero Five. The appliance carries its own Moffett fork lift truck to enable the cargo to be unloaded. The fork lift truck has its own blue rotating beacon.