Author: ukemergency

The following is a vehicle that falls into the ‘ambulance’ …

The following is a vehicle that falls into the ‘ambulance’ and ‘fire’ categories: a fire victim support unit. Victims of house fires can use this converted camper van for shelter, to make a cup of tea and even to sleep in, if their house is badly damaged by fire. The British Red Cross can also council victims.

A Bronto Skylift. You’ll notice the red and white …

A Bronto Skylift. You’ll notice the red and white patterning on the wheels and county badge on the door. The hand to the right is picking up the fire engine to show you the cab horizontal. You can see the dry patch where it was sitting. If you look closely you can also see one of the supporting feet which can level the vehicle on any slope!

This is an old Carmichael engine, registered in …

This is an old Carmichael engine, registered in 1984. It was a training vehicle, but had a new lease of life as a front line appliance. The reason for this is that the manufacturer of the modern appliance was being sued, and while this was happening they cannot use their vehicles.

N873 XPY is a fire car from North Yorkshire;…

N873 XPY is a fire car from North Yorkshire; a Peugeot 306 XLD. Note that it has no markings, but a magnetic blue flashing light has been attached, giving it the same rights as any other blue-light vehicle. This may well be used by a commanding officer on route to oversee a major incident.

A309 FRA is a Freight Rover Fire Engine used privately …

A309 FRA is a Freight Rover Fire Engine used privately by Rolls Royce. The Freight Rover was a demonstrator offered to Rolls-Royce by its manufacturers to fill a stop-gap requirement to replace a Carmichael Land Rover FT5 which had been seriously damaged in an RTA. It was not a satisfactory purchase, and was not up to the job required of it. Within weeks of use, the exhaust pipe from the pump set fire to the rear of the appliance!

This is a detailed view of the inside of Tango Zero …

This is a detailed view of the inside of Tango Zero Six, Tyne and Wear’s Salvage Tender. Basically these vehicles carry a whole manner of equipment for almost every possible scenario. Included are such items as a chainsaw and inflatable cushions to lift heavy objects.

Here we have a Bronto Skylift. The engine can level …

Here we have a Bronto Skylift. The engine can level itself on the steepest of slopes, and the cradle can carry firefighters around corners and up many stories. This vehicle has a life expectancy of 15 years, then it can be recycled to make new fire engines.