Author: ukemergency

05-C-24311 This Toyota Hilux is a beefy-looking…

05-C-24311 This Toyota Hilux is a beefy-looking general purpose fire car. It is fitted with a winch and blue lights on the roof and front grille. It has a very simple livery.

The rear view of the same Hilux. Notice how the back has been left as an open pick-up and that additional blue lights are mounted behind the headrests. This is one of a number of 4×4 vehicles that were purchased by the emergency services in Ireland to continue responding to jobs in bad weather.

02-C-15202 This Scania fire appliance with…

02-C-15202 This Scania fire appliance with bodywork by Browns is part of Cork County Fire Service’s fleet. The plate on the nearside displays this in English, and on the offside it is in Irish (Serbhis Doiteain Chontae Chorcai). It is based at Youghal fire station.

93-C-6156 This airport carsh tender is a more…

93-C-6156 This airport carsh tender is a more modern Timoney vehicle. As it drives past an aircraft, you can see the roof-mounted water / foam monitor. A smaller monitor is mounted on the front of the cab. You can see that some short extension ladders are mounted on the side of the vehicle, and the lid on the exhaust (on the roof) has lifted up with the power of the engine.

91-D-26653 Dublin Civil Defence operate this Leyland…

91-D-26653 Dublin Civil Defence operate this Leyland incident command unit. This vehicle is one of two incident command units (the other being 89-D-1) that each cover half of Dublin City, divided by the River Liffey. They are both ex-city council vehicles and were used as mobile libraries in their previous life. They are equipped with Communications, meeting facilities, TV and video downlink from a police helicopter can be displayed on a screen inside.

98-D-78544 Dublin Civil Defence also operate…

98-D-78544 Dublin Civil Defence also operate this Ford Iveco Cargo truck that is used for equipment transportation. Notice that is has amber flashing lights fitted and is able to easily drive over the snowy ground.

This vehicle is an ex-RAF truck, it originally came with a snow plough attached to the front, which was removed as it wasn’t deemed necessary for this unit, which was primarily for urban search, and all terrain rescue. As it was used by the RAF on airfields it has amber beacons, these have since been replaced by blue beacons.

90-C-14592 is a Dennis fire appliance which…

90-C-14592 is a Dennis fire appliance which is operated by the Civil Defence. It is decked out in the usual yellow paint scheme of the Civil Defence with the crest on the front doors. Their motto ‘when it counts we’re there’ is written very small below it.