Author: ukemergency

John Jessop was appointed as the parish constable of All Saints Chur..

John Jessop was appointed as the parish constable of All Saints Church on Pavement, York, in early 2014. Major John Jessop became the holder of this role which is now an honorary position. He received his ceremonial robe and truncheon as shown in the photo. He swore an oath as part of the installation. Historcially the role would have involved aprehending criminals and dishing out punishmnets. Today the role involves greeting the city’s civic party at the church door as well as other similar functions.

HNJ 667D A 1966 DMW Deemster. A small fleet of such motorbikes were built in …

HNJ 667D A 1966 DMW Deemster. A small fleet of such motorbikes were built in Wolverhampton using Villers 250 cc engines. They were used by Sussex Police in the Lewes area. Notice that the bike carries a front registration plate and only has headlights to the front. Arm signals were used in place of indicators.

A look at the bike from the side. It is now in private ownership by one of the mechanics who originally built it.

The spartan controls show a telephone handset for contacting the control room and two circular duckets for storage.