Author: ukemergency
FH07 OES Leicestershire FRS use this silver Ford Transit Connect as an Urban Search…
FH07 OES Leicestershire FRS use this silver Ford Transit Connect as an Urban Search and Rescue Dog Unit. The Leicestershire International SAR Team has two dogs and two dog handlers that are used in the UK and overseas.
The rear view. The van is air conditioned for the dogs’ comfort. The unit has seen service at building collapses, major transport incidents, explosions, construction accidents, and natural disasters.
NKZ 7591 This is a Volvo FL250 / Browns appliance that is the second pump at…
NKZ 7591 This is a Volvo FL250 / Browns appliance that is the second pump at Ballycastle Fire Station.
The rear view.
A close look at the badge on the side of the appliance. The ‘I’ of Ireland has dropped off. It is an old badge that has been replaced with a simpler version containing a red hand being held up.
Lincolnshire FRS use this rib for water rescue work. Four firefighters…
Lincolnshire FRS use this rib for water rescue work. Four firefighters (one in the water) are rescuing a man during a demonstration exercise.
As they return to shore and the casualty is attended to, one firefighter signals the direction of travel and another operates the steering and engine from the rear.