Author: ukemergency

NK07 FHR This Vauxhall Vivaro is operated by Durham Constabulary…

NK07 FHR This Vauxhall Vivaro is operated by Durham Constabulary.

The rear view showing the hatch where the camera will be deployed from.

A closer look at the hatch with the speed detecting camera now on show.

Inside an officer operates the camera and ancillary equipment.

A closer look at the camera seen from the operator’s viewpoint.

827 NTC An MG A Roadster dating from 1960. This type of police vehicle…

827 NTC An MG A Roadster dating from 1960. This type of police vehicle was used for traffic policing duties, including on the new motorways. Notice the large black wailing siren mounted on the front.

A closer look at the illuminated police sign and amber warning light (a predecessor of the blue flashing light).

A look over the shoulder of the driver. It was normal practice to drive the car with the roof folded down so other motorists could see the police uniforms.

On the rear is an illuminated ‘police stop’ sign. The ‘stop’ part would be illuminated when requiring a motorist to pull over. This was done by first overtaking the target car, in contrast to today where stops are made from behind.

Closest to the camera is St Oswald, a fisheries patrol vessel based in North…

Closest to the camera is St Oswald, a fisheries patrol vessel based in North Shields. It carries a fast rigid inflatable boat to quickly approach fishing boats and climb aboard for inspections.

Moored alongside it is a Royal Navy vessel HMS Example, a patrol and training vessel attached to the Northumbria University Royal Naval Unit. HMS Example is part of the 1st Patrol Boat Squadron (1PBS).

This is Flying Christine III, the ambulance boat based on Guernsey in the…

This is Flying Christine III, the ambulance boat based on Guernsey in the Channel Islands. It has undergone a few different livery changes over the years. It is a lifeline for emergency and routine medical calls between the islands. In Summer 2012 the boat made a special trip to London to be part of the Thames River Pageant as part of the Diamond Jubilee celebrations.

The side view of the vessel that is operated by Ambulance and Rescue Guernsey. It is 45 feet long and was launched in 1994. It can deal with incident on ships as well as transporting casualties from the land.

The stern view of the boat with the picturesque, colourful buildings of St Peter Port forming the backdrop.

This small boat is used to reach the Flying Christine III from the shore.

PKZ 4844 This Browns / Volvo FL250 is the only fire engine on the island of…

PKZ 4844 This Browns / Volvo FL250 is the only fire engine on the island of Rathlin, off the North Antrim Coast, Northern Ireland. It is seen here exiting the Rescue Station which is shared with the Coastguard.

A look at the full length of the appliance. You can just see the sideways facing blue flashing lights mounted at the back of the step into the cab.

The rear view of the appliance. It holds the claim of being the only fire appliance in Northern Ireland to be based on an island. It is manned by a fully retained volunteer crew who spend two hours per week training. However sometimes a full year can pass without any call outs. If back-up was required at a call, this could take about an hour to come by car ferry from the mainland.

14576 This Land Rover Defender is used by the Civil Defence service on the …

14576 This Land Rover Defender is used by the Civil Defence service on the island of Guernsey. On the roof is an amber light bar, a green rotating beacon and a white searchlight. Green flashing beacons are permitted on Guernsey for all voluntary emergency services when responding to calls, including when travelling to their base for a call out.

This red Massey-Ferguson 240 is used as an emergency doctor vehicle on the …

This red Massey-Ferguson 240 is used as an emergency doctor vehicle on the small Channel Island of Sark. Notice the ‘doctor’ sign on the sun visor and the LED flashing lights on the windscreen.

The rear view. The rear plate reads ‘doctor’ as it is normal to have the owner’s name shown in place of any official registration plate system on the island. The red box is the patient transportation system! It consists of one seat and a storage box. It is lifted off the ground when the tractor is in motion. The cab only has one seat so this bespoke box is essential to transport patients.

Here is the vehicle in use on a misty day showing the red and blue flashing lights.