Category: Ambulance (General)

GY52 ZDW This is an East Midlands Ambulance Service Toyota Rav4 paramedic ‘response manager’ car.

The side view, with the rear door swung open.

J999 FCA This Vauxhall Zafira Club is liveried as an ambulance and is run by a private company, First Choice Ambulance Service, which are based in Bramley, Leeds. There is no company name or logo on this vehicle, just ‘FCA’ on the private registration plate and roof marking.

The rear view showing the rest of the livery and the optional ‘slow’ sign on the rear of the roof bar.

YE52 KZR Here is a side view of a WAS-bodied Mercedes Benz 416CDI. Notice the nearside and rear entrance doors, the stretcher lift and the equipment store.

T130 JWX is a WYMAS intensive care ambulance. It is a Renault van with UVG bodywork.

HX04 NNM This is a prototype mark-four Crusader ambulance designed specifically for St. John Ambulance. It is liveried as Felixstowe Division (Suffolk). Changes from the mark-three include brighter lightbars, optional amber airfield lights, fewer windows and lots of small internal improvements.

V277 FOR, HX51 VVY and V274 FOR Three examples of SJA North Yorkshire & Teesside Crusaders at the Great Yorkshire Show, Harrogate.

W682 PRM This Ford Focus estate is used by Cumbria Ambulance to quickly respond to emergencies in the largely rural Cumbrian Lake District.

P220 ERM A Cumbria Ambulance Service Ford Transit emergency ambulance.

The rear view of this 1997 example.

H945 UHH is a Ford Transit ambulance at Croft motor racing circuit. It has a mis-match livery, and an extra-high roofline courtesy of the the Customline bodywork.

K206 APY is a Mercedes Benz 3100 ambulance. It is liveried as St John Ambulance. Notice the large spotlights on the back and sides of the vehicle that are built into the bodywork.

K207 APY is the sister of the above vehicle. There are subtle differences in the livery and this one is run by volunteers of the Norton Division of St John.

N984 JUG This Ford Transit is another St John Ambulance Brigade vehicle, liveried as belonging to Great Ayton. It has blue lights built into the sides, a combined blue light and siren unit on the roof and grille repeaters. The yellow stripe has somewhat faded on this example.

C9 MPC This is a largely unmarked Peugeot used for a volunteer paramedic to respond to emergencies in rural areas via an organisation called LIVES. They are based in Lincolnshire and are a ‘basics scheme’ with a number of doctors and paramedics responding in their own vehicles. This green Peugeot is fitted with blue grill lamps and a magnetic light bar and replaced a Ford Scorpio used for the same purpose.

M110 GAG is a Ford Transit Lazer Ambulance. It has had a very varied life, working for Humberside Ambulance Service, Liberty Medical Service, St John Ambulance (in Magherafelt, Northen Ireland), on the Isle of Wight and for MedicPlus Ambulance & Medical Service.

T583 KAG is a private ambulance, previously used as a front line ambulance by North Yorkshire Ambulance Service.

The rear and side view, showing another ‘private’ sign that has been added to the livery.

H76 PNO is an ex-Ministry of Defence ambulance which is based at British Aerospace Filton, near Bristol.

The rear view of the ambulance. It was made in 1990 and was re-liveried in 2003.

T324 HGT is a London Ambulance Service LDV front-line ambulance.

LJ53 BVB The LDV above is joined by a newer LAS sister vehicle. The yellow 2003 Mercedes ambulance shows the revised livery for yellow LAS vehicles.

X438 GGO is another LAS LDV ambulance. By 2000 the yellow stripe has been replaced by a double strip of battenburg marks.

The rear view.

This P registration Vauxhall Astra van is used by the training division of LAS.

FXC 831L Here are two shots of a rare 1972 Range Rover belonging to the Stratford-upon-Avon division of St. John Ambulance based in Warwickshire. This vehicle was a original prototype from Range Rover and has a higher than normal back. Only seven prototypes were made and there are only two left. The other one has been converted into a camper van.

F65 TOT Here is another of Stratford’s ambulances: a Landrover.

The rear view, showing the double hinged doors conversion.

M906 TKP is a Ford Transit-based ambulance run by Kent Ambulance NHS Trust. The bodywork is by Customline.

G400 AVC This photograph shows the front and nearside of a 4×4 Landrover operated by Severn Ambulance & Medical Services, a small ambulance group that operate on the outskirts of Bristol & South Gloucestershire. Notice the additional amber flashing beacon for use on airfields.

V631 KNO This was one of three four-wheel-drive Chevrolet Suburban ambulances bought by Surrey Ambulance Service. The vehicles were based at the rural locations of Cranleigh, Haselmere and Godstone.

S420 STW is a GMC Chevrolet Suburban Silverado ‘Wheeled Coach’ Ambulance. It is being used by Norfolk Priority Care Medical Services for intensive care transfer work. Four shots of the vehicle are shown which is temporarily in the Surrey Ambulance livery – it’s previous owners – just like the vehicle above.

OW03 EFX This is a St. John ‘Cobra’ 4×4 response car, based on the Nissan Patrol. This is the first example of this type of emergency vehicle, belonging to the Halifax and Brighouse Division who use it as a first response vehicle as well as for kit carrying and towing.

Y778 HWF is a South Yorkshire Ambulance Service Volvo S40 rapid response car..