Category: Ambulance Motorbikes
Motorbikes used for ambulance purposes
London Ambulance Service
The rapid response unit arrived at an emergency call to Euston station. While parked, the rider operated the steady blue lights that are about half the brightness of the usual flashing pattern. This is used to readily identify that it is an emergency vehicle on a call without blinding passing motorists and pedestrians with the full brightness flashing blue lights.

London Ambulance Service
Honda ST 1300

West Midlands Ambulance Service
Fiat Ducato

The ambulance is joined by a quick response paramedic on a bike

West Midlands Ambulance Service
Ridden by Steve ‘Harry Potter’ Cooper, so called because of his apparent resemblance to the wizard!

Yorkshire Ambulance Service A solo response paramedic makes his way past caravaners and classic car owners in a small village.

RE62 YVL London Ambulance Service Honda ST1300 rapid response bike

A LAS motorbike makes its way through London’s traffic.

This London Ambulance Service motorbike is seen here on a blue light run. The rider is taking a short cut through a narrow sunken cycle way while cornering at speed.

MX51 SWK An 800cc Honda VFR that is the sole motorbike with North of England Ambulance Service.

The rear view showing the two panniers and top box of medical equipment.

A Piaggio MP3 three-wheeled ambulance bike. Blue flashing lights are found on the front, on the rear storage compartment and on a rear pole.

LJ05 FHU One of London Ambulance’s rapid response Honda ST1300s lights up the night with flashing blue lights. The bike is parked at the roadside while the rider paramedic attends an emergency call indoors. Leaving the flashing lights on means that the ambulance attending can quickly identify the location and the bike is unlikely to be towed away for parking on a red route.

WA04 AEN This is a Honda ST1300 that is operated by Medevent Limited. The bike is shown here at speed following a group of elite racing cyclists on closed city streets. The medic can offer help to any riders crashing before his colleagues back him up in a private ambulance.

The rear view, showing the scene just prior to the start of the race. The message sign was displaying “Cycle Race” with red flashing lights.

Here is a line up of three yellow Honda ST1300s and a white Honda ST1100 belonging to London Ambulance Service. The vehicles are lined up outside a central London coffee shop as the riders take a well-earned break.

Here is an example of a BMW rapid response motorbike posed by the lakeside.

This Honda ST1100 Pan European is used for emergency response work and advertising by LIVES (Lincolnshire Integrated Voluntary Emergency Service). An unusual feature is the red flashing beacon on the pole. They are not allowed to use blue lights unless it is being used off the highway.

HX57 SRU This is a Vectrix electric scooter paramedic bike. It is fitted with blue flashing lights all round and is designed for city use. It accelerates from 0 to 50 mph in 7 seconds and tops out at 62 mph. A 2-hour charge allows about 70 miles of motoring.

The rear view, showing the equipment storage compartments.

This Scottish Ambulance paramedic motorbike is a Honda Deauville.

This is a Honda NT700V Deauville motorbike demonstrator in full paramedic livery.

The rear view of the Deauville showing the extensive pannier storage and the elevated blue flashing beacon.

This Honda XLV700 Transalp is in a very similar livery to the Deauville shown above. This bike’s increased ground clearance and longer travel suspension makes the bike more suited to off road conditions.

The rear view of the Transalp showing the seat mounted back box and LED repeaters below it.

This is a Yamaha FJR1300A extensively liveried up for paramedic duties. It has four front mounted clear LED repeaters supplemented by two side mounted blue LED units.

The rear view of the motorbike showing the paramedic surround for the number plate and the extensive panniers.

Here are a number of Honda motorbikes used by St. John Ambulance Service. They are fitted with blue flashing lights all round.

This low-power motor scooter is used by the Yorkshire Rose Ambulance Service. It is fitted with a large rotating blue light and plastered with ambulance stickers.

YJ56 VDE This is a YAS Honda ST1300 motorbike. It is used for rapid response calls and is ridden by a paramedic. There are two red and one blue lights facing rearwards where the matrix sign is often located. Notice that the rider is wearing his own helmet and leathers. This is because it is on a test run as it was brand new at the time. You can even see the coloured marks on the rear tyre that haven’t rubbed off yet.

LF02 OMM This is a yellow Honda ST1100 rapid response motorbike used by the London Ambulance Service. The rider is testing the blue flashing lights and headlamp prior to heading out. The panniers at the rear are quickly removable and contain emergency medical equipment.

W385 WGF is Honda Pan-European rapid response paramedic motorcycle used by the London Ambulance Service.

The rear view of the bike. They are essential for zipping through London’s often grid-locked traffic.

LB53 JRV This is a Yamaha FJR1300 paramedic rapid response motorbike demonstrator.

The rear view of the FJR, showing the striking shape of the panniers and rear light arrangement.

RF02 WMM A Honda Pan European ST1100 ‘specialised support unit’ from a private ambulance service called Medi Logistics.

RO04 EWA is a Honda ST 1300 Pan-European motorbike. It is fitted with two dot matrix displays mounted on to the rear of the bike. The rider can control the message displayed by the sign by using a controller mounted on to the handlebars. Note the additional signs are on a free standing unit behind the bike.

RL02 VFT A side view of a 2002 Honda Pan European ST1300 in paramedic colours. Notice the small but important blue flashing repeater light that enables motorists with a side view of the bike to see it is on an emergency run.

The rear view of the same motorbike. Honda have installed a red matrix message sign to the rear which incorporates blue and red flashing lights. Also note the revised styling from the ST1100 model and four exhausts.

This is a yellow Sussex Ambulance Honda Pan-European rapid response motorbike.