Category: FIRE
Lincolnshire FRS use this rib for water rescue work. Four firefighters…
Lincolnshire FRS use this rib for water rescue work. Four firefighters (one in the water) are rescuing a man during a demonstration exercise.
As they return to shore and the casualty is attended to, one firefighter signals the direction of travel and another operates the steering and engine from the rear.
822 DGB Glasgow Salvage Corps operated this Bedford TK…
822 DGB Glasgow Salvage Corps operated this Bedford TK. The doors into the rear cab fold open and Glasgow’s crest is shown on the front doors. On the front are three ‘fire’ signs as well as a blue flashing light and an emergency warning bell. It was one of only 17 vehicles that Glasgow had during its 111 years of existence.
JYE 995N An example of one of London’s Salvage Corps Mercedes vans…
JYE 995N An example of one of London’s Salvage Corps Mercedes vans. This is marked as a damage control unit. Sliding doors on each side allow access to the rear part of the cab, you then step through to the front section to drive it. They also used sister vehicle JYE 996N. Both were sold to the Singapore Fire Brigade in 1979 where they continued their frontline service until 1992.
PKZ 4844 This Browns / Volvo FL250 is the only fire engine on the island of…
PKZ 4844 This Browns / Volvo FL250 is the only fire engine on the island of Rathlin, off the North Antrim Coast, Northern Ireland. It is seen here exiting the Rescue Station which is shared with the Coastguard.
A look at the full length of the appliance. You can just see the sideways facing blue flashing lights mounted at the back of the step into the cab.
The rear view of the appliance. It holds the claim of being the only fire appliance in Northern Ireland to be based on an island. It is manned by a fully retained volunteer crew who spend two hours per week training. However sometimes a full year can pass without any call outs. If back-up was required at a call, this could take about an hour to come by car ferry from the mainland.
This specialist Iveco 65C16 fire vehicle is operated in conjunction with Qinetiq…
This specialist Iveco 65C16 fire vehicle is operated in conjunction with Qinetiq. It is a Remote Operated Vehicle Response Team vehicle. It carries personnel and robotic vehicles to major incidents as part of Project GHOST. GHOST stands for Gas cylinder Hazardous Operations Scientific Team.
The team are on call 24 hours per day and are dispatched by London Fire Brigade to any incident in the UK within four hours drive. This covers all of Wales and England as far North as Leeds.
The rear view. Notice the array of equipment on the roof including two full-width light bars, cctv and small and large telescopic aerials.
YD12 ZSR, YD12 ZST, YD12 ZSG, YD12 ZSJ, YD12 ZSX London Fire Brigade …
YD12 ZSR, YD12 ZST, YD12 ZSG, YD12 ZSJ, YD12 ZSX London Fire Brigade was loaned five MINI Coopers by BMW for the 2012 Olympics. These cars were used in and around Olympic venues for rapid response as well as routine work. They carry equipment capable of putting out small fires. Inkeeping with the multinational event, “fire” is written on the side of the cars in five foreign languages.
In addition to these five, Dorset were given one similar MINI for use at the Weymouth and Portland Olympic venues. This is a Countryman four wheel drive model, registration YD12 ZSY.
Sark Fire Brigade operate three fire trailers on the small island …
Sark Fire Brigade operate three fire trailers on the small island in the Channel Islands. One is seen here being pulled by a privately owned tractor of the chief fire officer Kevin Adams. Motor vehicles are not permitted on the island, except for tractors required for work.
A side-on look at the tractor-trailer combination. The trailer has two equipment lockers, jaws of life, lights, pump, hose reel, lengths of hose and short-reach ladders. There are no high-rise buildings on the island and no street lights.
Watch a video of this vehicle in action!
WX54 VTT Prime Mover 180 is a Man / Marshall truck that carries additional …
WX54 VTT Prime Mover 180 is a Man / Marshall truck that carries additional hoses for a high volume pumping unit. It allows greater amounts of water to be directed to a major fire scene.
The rear view of the truck showing the two pods of hoses.
A demonstration of how the crane system demounts the pod.
One the pod is placed on the ground, the unit is self-contained and the truck can be used for other duties.