EU07 GZK This black Ford S-MAX is in service with Port of Tilbury …

EU07 GZK This black Ford S-MAX is in service with Port of Tilbury London Police. It has full-height battenburg markings and a full width LED light bar on the roof. It comes direct from Ford Special Vehicles.

The rear view of the S-MAX. A small force crest is on the rear quarter light and a sign shows the car carries a defibrillator to assist with medical emergencies in the port.

Another look at the rear of the car. The Port Police at Tilbury do everything that regular Essex officers do outside of the port. The roads are subject to the Road Traffic Act, so this includes speeding, drink-driving and uninsured drivers for instance.

A look at the force crest on the bonnet. The Port of Tilbury London Police can trace their history back to 1802 when the first port constables were employed.

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