UK Emergency Vehicles

YM52 RUH This Vauxhall Zafira Club ambulance is owned…

YM52 RUH This Vauxhall Zafira Club ambulance is owned and run by UK Event Medical Services Ltd. They provide pro-active ambulance personnel and equipment at large events.

The side view of the same car.

The rear view. It is clear that this is a private ambulance as there is no ambulance service crest or ‘NHS’ logo in its livery, and the company name is written on the rear.

FXC 831L Here are two shots of a rare…

FXC 831L Here are two shots of a rare 1972 Range Rover belonging to the Stratford-upon-Avon division of St. John Ambulance based in Warwickshire. This vehicle was a original prototype from Range Rover and has a higher than normal back. Only seven prototypes were made and there are only two left. The other one has been converted into a camper van.

S420 STW is a GMC Chevrolet Suburban Silverado ‘Wheeled…

S420 STW is a GMC Chevrolet Suburban Silverado ‘Wheeled Coach’ Ambulance. It is being used by Norfolk Priority Care Medical Services for intensive care transfer work. Four shots of the vehicle are shown which is temporarily in the Surrey Ambulance livery – it’s previous owners – just like the vehicle above.

OW03 EFX This is a St. John ‘Cobra’ 4×4…

OW03 EFX This is a St. John ‘Cobra’ 4×4 response car, based on the Nissan Patrol. This is the first example of this type of emergency vehicle, belonging to the Halifax and Brighouse Division who use it as a first response vehicle as well as for kit carrying and towing.

HX03 NCU and A78 XKU, On the right is a…

HX03 NCU and A78 XKU, On the right is a 1983 Mercedes ambulance from the Ashbourne Division of Derbyshire St. John Ambulance. To its left is a vehicle 20 years younger: a 2003 £48,000 Renault Crusader which replaces the Merc.

This Mercedes-Benz Vario 814D truck has been…

This Mercedes-Benz Vario 814D truck has been converted to an control unit for the Scottish Ambulance Service. It has a pull-out canopy to the side and blue, amber and green & white checker flashing lights on the roof to denote it’s control status.

This is part of an exercise in responding…

This is part of an exercise in responding to casualties in the aftermath of a ‘dirty bomb’ attack. Personnel in protective suits and masks wash wounded casualties and transfer them from the ‘dirty’ end of the inflatable hospital to the ‘clean’ end via a rolling platform.

The casualty is transferred to a clean spinal board and further treatment takes place. The inflatable building takes minutes to set up anywhere and is illuminated from outside via the translucent roof. The walking wounded and other contaminated persons go through a series of showers that are run in parallel to this facility.

HW03 GGK This Jumbulance (multi-purpose jumbo ambulance) is…

HW03 GGK This Jumbulance (multi-purpose jumbo ambulance) is a huge 2003 Mercedes Benz 814D truck. It is liveried in luminous-yellow Isle of Wight colours and has bodywork by WAS. We have been infomed that this ambulance has been of the road due to an accident where a 4×4 driver hit it. He told the police that he could not see it coming around a roundabout!