UK Emergency Vehicles

This is a very special view of the…

This is a very special view of the arrangement of lights on top of a BMW police car. They form a ‘V’ shape and because of this coloured light can be seen from whichever direction you are looking at it.

A very exciting time during a police chase…

A very exciting time during a police chase! From left to right, a Ford Fiesta Panda car, the target vehicle, a Volvo traffic car. Other police vehicles are off camera. The target car crashed while trying to negotiate the roundabout.

Here and below shows the same car, S734 HUB…

Here and below shows the same car, S734 HUB, one using the flash and one not. It is easy to see how well the reflective battenburg markings work. Police have dubbed these blue and yellow markings as Battenburg markings after the cake – you can see the similarity. The Police Research Laboratory have found blue and yellow squares are the most noticeable markings by the human eye, so you can see one of these cars at a greater distance.

The daylight shot.