UK Emergency Vehicles

Caption Corner 7


Here are a selection of reader captions:

Here ye here ye, I appear to be stuck! E&J
This could turn into a “mayor” of a job! – PW
It’s the Santa & Rescue Service coming to get Santa! – LA
I told you your bell wasn’t on top of that tower! – IB
Council consider fire prevention budget! – LH
Drunken fancy dress party… the morning after! – WP
Told you he wouldn’t believe us when we said we leave him up there! – MB
Didn’t  you get the football down OK? – TR
I now declare this Bronto Skylift open!…. Can I come down now lads? – DM
And the mayor’s rooftop protest is brought to an early end! – SM


Caption Corner 6


Here are a selection of reader captions:

Well, yeah this is fast for an ambulance, but the police force in the nearest village have a donkey with LEDs on it, now that can haul ass! – SL
If Shrek was a paramedic…! – WP
The Cow response unit – reaching all calls in under 8 minutes! – DS
Look at the new truck – its a 2 gnu power unit & does 10 miles per bale of hay! – PW
Nice to see the Trust buying state of the art and environmentally friendly this year! -JC
NHS cutbacks really started to take their toll! – KRL
Probably a hundred times more reliable than the Sprinters! – AC
A sign that fuel prices are to high for government! – JB
The ambulance broke down: this our reserve! – AG
Should have gone private! – TS
Is this what they mean by budget reductions?? – AOS

Caption Corner 5


Here are a selection of reader captions:

Well I’m not getting it, Who’s got the least service? – DH
You two, don’t tell me you’ve gone and parked the squad car here!!! – MRP
Ladies First! – GM
The new recruits initiation test took a menacing turn! – KL
No I can’t see Geoff’s hat either…maybe it has sunk by now…? – NS
Right, one more time, we were passing the keys, when……. – M
Hmmmm, shell we go to McDonalds…. or Kentucky….. or the good old greasy spoon? –  SL
To get wedged in there he must have been very thin! – D
Now how do explain to Sarg that the car ended up in here?! – S
Just wait, if goes past the line its the other force’s problem! – CS
A member of the public reported an unusual sight in the local canal. Police are looking into it! – SO
Are you sure this is where the sat nav said the new station was?! – TC

We also go an entry in the form of an image, thanks Tommy!


Caption Corner 4


Here are a selection of reader captions:

What’s the name of this creek again? – SB
This photo is a new clip form an upcoming tv show: CSI: Venice – SL
I think I will stick to the Astra lads! – KH
Search for the speeding pirates. If it’s above 10 knots it’s a £60 fine & 3 points on their licence! – ST
Where did you say the Titanic was boss? – AF
Every year they do this boys, illegal drag race down the Thames, get those Oxbridge racers! – AC
And if someone sings “Row row row your boat gently down the stream” once more I am going to taser ’em! – SL
The cutbacks in the river policing budget had hit the division hard! – PW
British riot cops take a lesson from the Vienna police force! – JA
That duck was going a bit fast, Sarge. Shall we tail him? – TL
The Met have decided to take a more ecological approach to policing the Thames! -DC
The new British Border Police! – A


Caption Corner 3


Here are a selection of reader captions:

I think we’re a little overdressed! -ST
Er.. sarge, is it still “Indecent Exposure” if they’re all doing it? – DC
I was only joking when I said you could park your bike in it! – AB
At the local police cycle training run, there’s confusion over the dress code! – CP
Ah The Heck With It Sarge, I’m Going Natural! – JW
Mmmmm nice lycra! – AB
Bet there’s gonna be some nasty chaffing going on ere today! – MB
I should have done what my partner did and not looked! ….. When’s the next counseling session? – D
Police use new tactics to scare of yobs! – JA
Due to police cash problems the new recruits uniforms weren’t ready in time! – AW
The police felt rather over-dressed for the occasion! – IB
Modern police service attempts to reassure the public that it has nothing to hide! – MD
Move along now, nothing to see! – W


Caption Corner 2


Here are a selection of reader captions:

Spot the dummy! – PM
One of them is still alive! – KH
His attempt to avoid the next shout was soon rumbled… – CM
It’s no use hiding Smith , we can still see your trainers, now WASH the yard!!!! – M
John always said he work with a pile of dummies! – AJB
Stuffed! – RM
As a beat Astra came round the corner, the thief tried to hide with the surroundings! – TL
Auditions for entry to fire service! – AC
Which one is the dummy, they all look the same to me! – S
These sleeping policemen get more and more realistic every day! – JA
When the skip was taken away in caption 1 this is what the ambulance crew were horrified to find! – AF
Officer down! – BC
Ha-ha, I win, I found the odd one out! – BW
What the hell did I have to drink? SL
Police sports & social club – the morning after! – SB
Quick here’s the Inspector, look busy! – M


Caption Corner 1


Here are a selection of reader captions:

Due to NHS cut backs, A&E had a smaller holding area – AC
Nice new model, but why hasn’t it got blue lights! – DL
NHS on cutbacks – New mobile mortuary – JA
Ambulance Staff take hide and seek to a new level – DL
I Think The Ambulance Is  A More Hygienic Way Of Carrying The Ill Than That Skip. – JW
I think changing the colour of the Ambulance to Red is a silly idea ! – EL
Who Put That There? How am I supposed to get that out smarty? – CD
I see the the Saturday Night A&E motors has arrived then boss! – SL
Stan couldn’t quite fit his new lunch box in the crew locker….. – AB
4.5years old now, time for a new one! – BW
You can see why they needed to replace it’s older sister. – TL
NHS – What a load of rubbish – SL
A Brand new ambulance is put on show with the oldest of the fleet! – DM
What a lovely match – JL
In an effort to improve efficiency YAS take on new larger capacity red ambulances – PM
I wonder if they have different response times? – SL
The paramedics weren’t really sure what to do. They had never been called out for a “A 47 year old male suffering severe pain due to being crushed by a skip”! – SL
Echo521 we can still see you on station no matter how much you try to hide it! – PJW


York Minster Police

York Minster Police have been policing the cathedral since 1275.

Some of the officers of York Minster Police, including officer John Key standing outside the Minster.

York Minster Police are a non-Home Office force whose officers are not sworn in as constables. They cover York’s cathedral as well as a number of smaller buildings and grounds. They have never had any vehicles or cycles due to the small geographic area they cover. They have an office, but do not have facilities for detaining arrested suspects. Any arrested persons are handed over to the local Home Office force, North Yorkshire Police. The county force will also investigate any serious crime as the Minster force do not carry out investigative work.

The force consists of 10 officers (2008) including one inspector who work shifts to provide 24 hour a day cover. They set their own training schedules which include using truncheons, handcuffs and body armour. As recently as the 1980s officers brought their own dogs to work and used them in their duties.

Minster Police officers liaise with the North Yorkshire Police officers during an evacuation due to a suspect package.

York Minster Police can trace their history right back to 1275. In this year King Edward appointed a constable to keep order at the Minster. By 1285 everything was in place for the Minster Police, including their own court and prison. There are occasional mentions of the force in the history books through the centuries, but the history is better documented from the 1900s onwards. During World War I the officers helped with fire protection when grenades were being thrown from aircraft. By World War II they were trained in fire prevention by the local fire service.

The York Minster Police was part of the Home Office from the time when Robert Peel introduced the modern police service to the UK. At some point between the world wars they moved to being a non-Home Office force. This saved this very small force as they would almost certainly have been merged with the county force.

The Force’s claim to fame is that they are the forerunners of the modern police service. Sir Robert Peel visited the Minster on a number of occasions and monitored the workings of the force prior to forming the Metropolitan Police.

Another interesting fact is that it was a York Minster Police officer on his first shift who discovered the fire that led to major damage to the Minster in 1984.

The Minster Police direct the fire service to flooding at the historic building. The police officers silence the fire alarm system during religious services and the fire brigade, if called, are instructed to arrive quietly.

In this 4-picture scene we can see a RAF Sea King rescue helicopter from RAF Leconfield involved in an emergency on top of York Minster. A man fell ill at the highest point of the tower and could not be taken down the steep spiral staircases. The winchman is lowered first and liaises with the ambulance service while the Minster Police keep the area sterile. After the aircraft has circled for a few minutes, a paramedic in bright yellow coat winched up and then finally the casualty on a stretcher with winchman alongside.

Two ceremonial truncheons hang outside the police office.

Some of the minster constables from years gone by.

A few more images of the 2016 uniform.

During times of high demand, other members of the Minster staff are used for policing duties.

X78 LGU Another BTP Peugeot, this time a…

X78 LGU Another BTP Peugeot, this time a 406 diesel. Notice the vents in the light bar for the siren. Older light bars have the siren above the driver but newer ones have it above the passenger. This is because the sound was interfering with the driver’s concentration.

The rear view of the same vehicle.

W762 UGW A BTP Peugeot 806 MPV. Because…

W762 UGW A BTP Peugeot 806 MPV. Because this police force is a national service, it’s vehicles are uniform throughout the country in types and markings.

The rear view. Due to the length of the roof, an additional blue light mini bar has been added. This is so motorists close behind can see when the blue lights are activated, as well as increasing the vehicle’s overall presence.

K343 FPU is a Ford Courier Van, based at York…

K343 FPU is a Ford Courier Van, based at York Station. They are the equivalent of panda cars, not high powered and quite small. This vehicle is based on the Ford Fiesta, many of which are pictured elsewhere on this site.

The same car from the rear.

This is a Ford Iveco van with a trailer. Note the…

This is a Ford Iveco van with a trailer. Note the long side-on blue light on the trailer. It looks like the far side of it opens up to make a display or show. The van also has two blue lights to the rear as ‘repeaters’ because the main bar of blue lights is so high and so far from the front that it may be missed when viewed by a car behind.

Unmarked Police

We have a policy of not showing unmarked police vehicles on this website.

Such vehicles are usually unmarked for a reason. They are not just used to surprise speeding motorists, but may carry out intelligence work, covert observations or transport VIPs. It may be compromising to have their descriptions and registrations widely known. Also, they are far less interesting that marked emergency vehicles. Partially or temporarily marked vehicles are sometimes shown on this website if deemed sensible. Sometimes their registration plates have been disguised.